training centers on different palm changes, circular stepping and
walking the circle. During practice, the practioner moves according
to the eight diagrams. The inital eight basic palm forms are used
to create a total of 64 palm techniques.
Zhang training requires dexterity and agility. The motion of Bagua
practise is described as walking in mud, woth foot steps changing
like running water The emphasis is on continous, linked palm and body
movements. The idea is to perform the techniques as a series of endless
overlapping circels. The body turns around from the waist during walking,
roving, turning, rising and falling. Always, the palm techniques change
with the movement of the body. When the upper body protrudes, the
lower parts of the body squats back to keep balance. When the arms
are sent out, the feet are drawn back. Bagua forms are extremely graceful
and has been described as moving like a dragon amongst the clouds;
squatting like a tiger; alert as a tiger; and roving like an eagle.