fu, "wushu", and "kou shu" are just some of the many names used to
describe the cultural heritage bequeathed by the Chinese Martial Arts.
Kung fu, a term from the Cantonese
dialect of Southern China, can be literally translated as "work".
This expression is used colloquially to designate the martial arts,
and is the most commonly understood term in the West. In the East,
Wu Gong ("Martial work") might be more appropriate.
Wushu is the term selected by
the People's Republic of China because it is translated as "Martial
Arts". Wushu is now commonly applied to the sport of martial arts.
The term "Kuo shu" was
introduced at the dawn of the New Republic and can be literally translated
as "country's art". This term is also used in Taiwan, where the connotation
is also closer to the idea of martial arts as a sport.